
Practice_incident management事件管理实践  

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2.2        术语和概念        








●        清晰的准则,以区分重大事件与灾难及其他事件
●        特别负责的协调员,有时也称为重大事件经理(MIM)
●        创建了一个专门的临时团队来调查和解决重大事件
●        其他专用资源(包括预算);例如,与第三方专家进行紧急咨询或采购组件
●        特殊的调查方法(例如,全功能团队)
●        与用户,客户,监管机构,媒体和其他利益相关者进行通信的约定模型
●        评审和后续的活动达成一致的规程。




About this document
This document provides practical guidance for software development and management. It is split into five main sections, covering:
●        general information about the practice
●        the processes and activities of software development and management and their roles in the service value chain
●        the organizations and people involved in software development and management
●        the information and technology supporting software development and management
●        considerations for partners and suppliers for software development and management.

Selected content from this document is examinable as a part of the following syllabuses:
●        ITIL Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support
●        ITIL Specialist: High-velocity IT
Please refer to the respective syllabus documents for details.

General information
2.1        PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION        

The software development and management practice focuses on the development and management of application software. However, many of the principles are also applicable to the software that is part of the infrastructure on which applications are developed and managed.
Software engineering is increasingly important for infrastructure and platform management, for example in the application of Infrastructure as Code. This concept uses machine-readable definition files to manage and provision IT infrastructure and platforms, instead of physically configuring hardware components.

Software development and management covers the whole lifecycle of applications. This can vary from several months to several decades and is on average 10 to 15 years. From an economic perspective, historically on average 20% of the total costs of ownership of an application was spent on development as opposed to management, and 20% of software management costs is related to corrective maintenance.

In the modern world bigger shares of an application’s total costs of ownership shifts to development. Since constant changes become an integral part of the application lifecycle, all maintenance activities can become a part of development and are usually not referred to as maintenance.

2.2        TERMS AND CONCEPTS        

The trend to outsource software development services has been reversed in recent years, with many organizations taking critical and strategic development back in-house. This includes banks, insurance and retail companies.
With the rate of change modern services are experiencing, services become ever-changing. It is usual for the modern application to be modified throughout its lifecycle. This means that all the activities which used to form maintenance are now part of development process.
Software management is a broader term, potentially referring to application strategy and planning, operation, safekeeping of the application artefacts and application decommissioning.

The purpose of the practice states that applications should meet internal and external stakeholder needs, in terms of functionality, reliability, maintainability, compliance, and auditability. All the terms mentioned describe software quality.
Quick-fixes are often preferred to proper but time-consuming changes. The high rate of change in software may lead to an accumulated amount of rework that will have to be done at some point, known as a technical debt.

For many practitioners involved in software development and management the main watershed lies in how Agile the chosen software development lifecycle (SDLC) model is.

Software development and management

Agile and Scrum approaches are a combination of incremental and iterative, focusing on close collaboration with the owner of the application in order to obtain fast feedback and achieve quick development of small increments from which the owner can derive value.

DevOps approaches further improve throughput by speeding up the transition from coding to run/use, using techniques such as continuous integration/continuous delivery to (partially) automate the deployment pipeline.

Many Agile approaches use ‘definition of done’ as a tool to agree the set of criteria to be met before the product or product increment/backlog item is considered done.

Practice_incident management ITIL 4事件管理实践中文版【初译】.pdf

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ITIL 4 事件管理实践
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IL 4 事件管理实践
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