



iTop更新了哦-iTop 2.0.2-beta is available  

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What's new?
This version brings a number of bug fixes since 2.0.1 and a few enhancements, namely:

- Modelization of VLANs on Subnet and Physical Interfaces
- Brand new User Portal look and feel (no change in the behavior)
- Forgot your password? Regain access to iTop without bothering an administrator
- Automatic refresh of the lists in the dashboards, and for the shortcuts
- Scalability: better support of large volumes of tickets, and in general with large volumes of data

... and about 50 bug fixes!

下一篇:iTop 2.0.2 beta

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maxvox 发表于 2013-10-31 16:31:57
去了老bug来了新bug,import csv还是返回500错误。哎,几千台电脑的量,开源就是无语啊
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